
Let's write a SDK for an HTTP API that retrieves data from an imaginary world.

Simple example

Let's start with an example:

>>> from sdkite import Client
>>> from sdkite.http import HTTPAdapterSpec

>>> class World(Client):
...     _http = HTTPAdapterSpec("https://api.example.com/world")
...     def npc_interact(self, name):
...         return self._http.get(f"npc/interact?name={name}").data_str
...     def npc_search(self, **kwargs):
...         return self._http.post(f"npc/search", body=kwargs).data_json

>>> world = World()

>>> world.npc_interact("ranis")
'Have you found the Telvanni spy?'

>>> world.npc_search(city="Balmora", faction="Mage", min_level=8)
['marayn', 'masalinie', 'ranis']

Notice thee following:

  • Our root class World is a subclass of Client
  • We have defined _http as a class variable
  • The URLs parts https://api.example.com/world and npc/info?name={name} are combined to create the real URl that has been called: https://api.example.com/world/npc/info?name=ranis
  • The body parameter is converted automatically to be used as the request body, but a specific encoding can be specified


The _http naming is arbitrary; we suggest using a leading underscore _ as a convention to indicate to the consumer of the World class that the attribute should not be used directly.

More complex example

>>> from sdkite.http import BasicAuth

>>> class WorldNpc(Client):
...     _http = HTTPAdapterSpec("npc")
...     def interact(self, name):
...         return self._http.get(f"interact?name={name}").data_str
...     def search(self, **kwargs):
...         return self._http.post(f"search", body=kwargs).data_json

>>> class WorldBook(Client):
...     _http = HTTPAdapterSpec("book")
...     def download(self, book_id, path):
...         response = self._http.get(f"content?id={book_id}", stream_response=True)
...         with path.open("wb") as fp:
...             for data in response.data_stream:
...                 fp.write(data)

>>> class World(Client):
...     _http = HTTPAdapterSpec("https://api.example.com/world")
...     _auth = BasicAuth(_http)
...     npc: WorldNpc
...     book: WorldBook
...     def __init__(self, username, password):
...         super().__init__()
...         self._auth.username = username
...         self._auth.password = password

>>> world = World("Nerevarine", "Incarnate")

>>> world.npc.interact("ranis")
'Have you found the Telvanni spy?'

>>> world.npc.interact("waldo")
Traceback (most recent call last):
sdkite.http.exceptions.HTTPStatusCodeError: Unexpected status code: 404

>>> path = Path("book.txt")
>>> world.book.download("bk_words_of_the_wind", path)
>>> path.read_text()[:18]
'Words of the Wind\n'
  • Sub-clients are used to group endpoints together, and are automatically instantiated
  • Status codes are checked and an exception is raised on missmatch (only 200 is allowed by default)
  • Basic authentication is set up on the root client, to be used on all sub-clients
  • Response streaming is used to store the content of a book into a file