
A paginated decorator is provided to help when the same function should be called several times, with each call returning a partial set of the data.


This works for any functions and methods, not just for methods of Client subclasses.


Your friend Ranis is a well-known wizard who has several spells for sale. She gives you a function that returns the spells she's selling, given a budget. However, at most 3 items are returned at a time, so you have to call it multiple times to retrieve the list of all her spells.

By page index

Given the following list_spells function:

>>> list_spells(max_price=50, page=0)
['Crushing Burden Touch', 'Great Burden of Sin', 'Heavy Burden']

>>> list_spells(max_price=50, page=1)
['Strong Feather', "Tinur's Hoptoad", "Ulms's Juicedaw's Feather"]

>>> list_spells(max_price=50, page=2)
['Far Silence', 'Soul Trap']

>>> list_spells(max_price=50, page=3)


>>> from sdkite import paginated

>>> @paginated()
... def get_spells1(pagination, max_price):
...     return list_spells(max_price=max_price,

>>> result = get_spells1(50)  # the only parameter of get_spells1 is max_price
>>> isinstance(result, Iterator)

>>> for spell in result:
...     print(repr(spell))
'Crushing Burden Touch'
'Great Burden of Sin'
'Heavy Burden'
'Strong Feather'
"Tinur's Hoptoad"
"Ulms's Juicedaw's Feather"
'Far Silence'
'Soul Trap'

By the position of the first item

Given the following list_spells function:

>>> list_spells(max_price=50, offset=0)
['Crushing Burden Touch', 'Great Burden of Sin', 'Heavy Burden']

>>> list_spells(max_price=50, offset=1)  # overlap with last call
['Great Burden of Sin', 'Heavy Burden', 'Strong Feather']

Use pagination.offset:

>>> @paginated()
... def get_spells2(pagination, max_price):
...     return list_spells(max_price=max_price, offset=pagination.offset)

>>> for spell in get_spells2(50):
...     print(repr(spell))
'Crushing Burden Touch'
'Great Burden of Sin'
'Heavy Burden'
'Strong Feather'
"Tinur's Hoptoad"
"Ulms's Juicedaw's Feather"
'Far Silence'
'Soul Trap'

By the reference to the next page

To avoid having invalid results due to items changing between two calls, some APIs gives you a reference to the next page of your query.

Given the following list_spells_with_ref function:

>>> list_spells_with_ref(max_price=50)
(['Crushing Burden Touch', 'Great Burden of Sin', 'Heavy Burden'], '57656c636')

>>> list_spells_with_ref(cursor="57656c636")
(['Strong Feather', "Tinur's Hoptoad", "Ulms's Juicedaw's Feather"], 'f6d652074')

>>> list_spells_with_ref(cursor="f6d652074")
(['Far Silence', 'Soul Trap'], '6f2042616')

>>> list_spells_with_ref(cursor="6f2042616")
([], 'c6d6f7261')

Use pagination.context to store this reference:

>>> @paginated()
... def get_spells3(pagination, max_price):
...     if pagination.context is None:
...         data, next_cursor = list_spells_with_ref(max_price=max_price)
...     else:
...         data, next_cursor = list_spells_with_ref(cursor=pagination.context)
...     pagination.context = next_cursor
...     return data

>>> for spell in get_spells3(50):
...     print(repr(spell))
'Crushing Burden Touch'
'Great Burden of Sin'
'Heavy Burden'
'Strong Feather'
"Tinur's Hoptoad"
"Ulms's Juicedaw's Feather"
'Far Silence'
'Soul Trap'


Decorated function

The decorated function must take pagination as its first parameter, which will be inserted by the decorator with a Pagination instance.


For methods of a class, the pagination parameter must come just after self.

An iterable must be returned by the decorated function. Items of this iterable will be consumed one by one only when needed.


The returned iterable can be of any size, which can vary at each call. However, if the iterable is empty, it will be assumed that the current page is the last, unless stop_when_empty=False was passed to paginated.

The Pagination object

The following attributes of pagination are available:

page (read-only)

The index of the current page.

offset (read-only)

The index of the next item.


Any arbitrary data that can be set on the pagination variable to persist from one call of the decorated function to the other.

finished (read-only)

A boolean indicating if a new page is expected to come after the current one.


Call this method to indicate that the current page is the last one.

The paginated decorator

The following parameters can be passed to paginated:

page, offset, context

The initial values of the corresponding attributes of the Pagination object passed to the decorated function (default to 0, 0 and None respectively).


Whether a next page will be fetched if no items have been generated on the current page (defaults to True). If False, the finish method of the Pagination object must me called to tell when to stop.