HTTP authentication

Helpers are provided to manage the common schemes of HTTP authentications.

They take the HTTPAdapterSpec instance as first argument. Internally, they register an interceptor that will add the required Authorization header.

Basic authentication

The BasicAuth helper takes to optional arguments username and password:

>>> from sdkite.http import BasicAuth, HTTPAdapterSpec

>>> class RootClient(Client):
...     _http = HTTPAdapterSpec(url="")
...     _auth = BasicAuth(_http, "Alice", "W0nderl@nd")
...     def whoami(self):
...         return self._http.get('whoami').data_str

>>> RootClient().whoami()
'Welcome Alice!'

The values can also be set at runtime by modifying the corresponding attributes of the instance:

>>> class RootClient(Client):
...     _http = HTTPAdapterSpec(url="")
...     _auth = BasicAuth(_http)
...     def __init__(self, username, password):
...         super().__init__()
...         self._auth.username = username
...         self._auth.password = password
...     def whoami(self):
...         return self._http.get('whoami').data_str

>>> RootClient('Alice', 'W0nderl@nd').whoami()
'Welcome Alice!'

Removing authentication

If you have defined some authentication on a client, you can remove it on sub-clients by using NoAuth:

>>> from sdkite.http import NoAuth

>>> class ChildClient(Client):
...     _http = HTTPAdapterSpec()
...     _auth = NoAuth(_http)
...     def example(self):
...         return self._http.get('noauth').data_str

>>> class RootClient(Client):
...     _http = HTTPAdapterSpec(url="")
...     _auth = BasicAuth(_http, "user", "password")
...     child: ChildClient

>>> RootClient().child.example()  # will not add basic auth
'The /noauth endpoint has been called without auth'


The name of the class attribute (_auth in the example) must be the same in both clients, otherwise the authentication is not overridden.